It will be appropriate to start this eulogy, yes, that is what it is: an eulogy, Here we go: “ OMOBA TOPE OYEKAN is a rare breed.

He is a bridge builder and a selfless statesman who put the interest of our state/ Iperu above everything else. A man of the people.”

These words and more fittingly describe my  friend ,Statesman, Unifier, Inspirer, Builder, and media guru  OMOBA TOPE OYEKAN.

The award is well deserved and truly earned. In Leadership and Statesmanship, the Omoba Tope Oyekan approach and contributions should be of interest to various aspiring community leaders and scholars with interests in Effective Leadership Minus State Powers. In the quantum of contributions and records of achievements regarding bringing positive changes to the society, this writer submits, without fear of contradictions, that very few people outside of power loops are in the hue of OMOBA TOPE OYEKAN 

One stands inspired by the Omoba Tope Oyekan leadership/ media style and approach to societal challenges because it is devoid of ulterior motives, selfish or pecuniary interests, or concealed agenda. Most crucially, his landmark achievements, worthy contributions to societal progress and development, and positive impact on major issues of town are done quietly, effectively, and at personal costs to his time, energy, and resources. And in expectation of absolutely nothing in return.

When I refer to Omoba Tope Oyekan , I hold that name in an awesome manner. Only great and outstanding leaders in history earn such  recognitions without the troubles of prefixes or suffixes. To our people, Omoba Tope Oyekan  has truly earned his badge of honour as a true indigene of Iperu.

The effectiveness of this remarkable Statesman’s interventions in issues of public interests in our town and momentous contributions to matters of society progress become even more stunning when one considers his not been physically present in his domain. From a distant location, 
he has continued to announce his positive presence in our town and, indeed, in our state. In my chats with him, I have always remarked that I do not know of any other human being who is absent yet so totally present; who is so far away, yet so reachable and who is clearly out of the fray, yet so impactful in bringing about workable solutions to resolving knotty issues. Yet, all these are done so selflessly, so effectively and so quietly.

To appreciate Omoba Tope Oyekan's contributions to bringing about effective positive change to the community will require a reporter to have key interviews with political, religious, and traditional leaders and top public servants in our town. So many major crises have been resolved, and major landmark achievements brought about through his decisive interventions and tireless efforts in the last few years. Many individuals in positions of high responsibilities- civil service, political offices, traditional stools, etc. in the town today have Omoba Tope Oyekan  to thank for their attainments. Yet, he sees it as just as service to the town and to humanity and nothing more than that.

So many people have not met the Omoba Tope Oyekan at all or in a pretty long while, yet they have related with him so seamlessly and worked together so smoothly to bring about positive changes in Iperu  Remo that you will think they are next door neighbours who daily compare notes on the town of things.

On so many occasions, this writer has been so sufficiently amazed by the briefings from the leader from far away land , that one is left wondering if the man is a spirit who monitors all happenings here from such a far distant location.

Apparently, it is in recognition of his monumental leadership qualities and workable interventions that he continues to be a major contributor to resolving most major contentious issues in our town, be it administrative, political, traditional, religious or otherwise.

As this leader without boarders and statesman without frontiers continues his selfless added value to the community, may God strengthen you to achieve more milestone 

 Written by;

Prince Jide Ogunderu 
(Odoru Royal descendant)


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